
Facilitation of clearance of import containers due to delay in receiving of documents from China at JN Customs


 To :
All Members  of the Association


Dear Members


SUB:  Facilitation of clearance of import containers due to delay in receiving of documents from China at JN Customs

Members were facing problems for import containers arriving from China being stranded post outbreak of Corona Virus, in the Port/CFSs on account of non receipt of import documents, resulting in late filing of Bill of Entry.

The Association had taken up this issue with JN Customs Authorities for waiver of Late filing charges for import consignments from China.

We are glad to inform members that JN Customs have issued Public Notice No 24/2020 dated 20.2.2020 regarding Facilitation of clearance of import containers due to delay in receiving of documents from China at JN Customs, for your information.

Members are requested to take note of the same.


Shankar Shinde                                                                                         
JN Customs Import Committee 



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